Cultivation of Accounting-Based Financial Management Technology and E-Commerce Adoption on the Development of MSMEs in Banyumas Regency (An Approach to Planned Behavior Theory)
The long-term goal of this research is to enrich the development of science, especially the development of MSMEs related to the adoption of information technology by studying using Theory of Planned Behavior. The specific purpose of the study is to examine what factors influence the adoption of government program applications at MSMEs in Banyumas Regency. Data collection in this study was carried out by distributing questionnaires through direct delivery to 100 respondents of MSMEs in Banyumas Regency who were respondents. The sampling technique in this study using random sampling techniques. Whereas for data analysis using Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the AMOS program. From the results of data processing and analysis it was found that Theory of Planned Behavior was able to identify the factors that influence the adoption of Accounting-based Financial management technology and E-Commerce Adoption at MSMEs in Banyumas Regency